Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Mission - from Religious and Theological Perspective Essay

The Mission - from Religious and Theological Perspective - Essay ExampleDirected by Roland Joffe and written by Robert Bolt, the film win the Academy Award for Best cinematography. From the plot summary, it is obvious that film mainly foc hires on the religion of Christianity. Throughout the film, various facets of Christianity are explored and that includes the role played by that religion during the colonization of territories by the European or Western colonial powers in early centuries, particularly the role played by the Christian missionaries in the evolution of the native population. The film also focuses on the core Christian beliefs and teachings, and delves into how different sections of population interpret those beliefs and teachings. If you are looking for a fascinating delineation of historical Christian faith and missions during the centuries past, The Mission is it (though not a Christian production itself). (Paul, n. d) In the film, the religion of Christianity pla ys a vital component. That is, The Mission features the series of struggles face up by Father Gabriel in his journey to preach Christianity to the indigenous people, gain their trust and evangelize them. During that journey, the concept of Christianity is clearly highlighted. The film is set in the 1750s and involves the Jesuitic Reductions, a program by which the European Catholic Church sought to Christianize and civilize the indigenous native populations of South America.(The Mission Summary, n. d). The original of Christianity in the film seems to be accurate, as it reflects the activities of the Christian missionaries and other hosts to spread Christianity in many lands in the early centuries. That is, the movie mainly focuses on the group of Jesuit priests traveling to distant lands in an attempt to spread and reach the Word of God to the native population. In addition, in those early times, the Jesuit priests/missionaries use to live with the native population for many y ears, instead of having a temporary stay. In a way, they coexist with the local people, thereby understanding their culture, lifestyle, problems, etc. In the movie also, Father Gabriel along with Mendoza permanently live and carry out constructive work in the Guarani settlement. This fact is consistent with historical missions created by Europeans in South America, where Jesuit priests would coexist with tribes such as the Guarani. (Fritz, 2010). Hence, the representation of Christianity in the film can be considered accurate, and also as an effective means of telltale(a) the holistic features of Christianity. In the film, the Jesuit priests attempts to evangelize the native South American population provide key perspectives to the highest degree the expansion activities of Jesuit priests as thoroughly as the core values of Christianity. The key message delivered in the film is how the education of the native people about the basic principles of Christianity can bring about certa in constructive changes in their society. Thus, the film in a way conveys a positive message as it makes the native people to understand and gather in the vital components of Christianity namely love towards fellow men, compassion, peace, sacrifice, etc. Though the Guarani initially resist and oppose the preaching of the Father Gabriel, in the latter part of the film, they withal go to the extent of dying for his cause. This movie depicts the role of religion in the European

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